It has already become a tradition that at the end of the year we put together potential contractors and market experts to share PJSC UkrGasVydobuvannya plans for the next year.
On December 19, procurement volumes for the goods and services in the areas of drilling, extraction, oil and gas exploration, ground infrastructure, processing, and sale of petroleum products were shared at UGV Technology Day.
UGV, as the largest company specialized in gas exploration, is building market for services and goods on the whole territory of Ukraine thanks to its large volumes. To facilitate the timely implementation of production plans within the Program 20/20, we seek the quality and efficient cooperation with the future and existing contractors.
In view of this, we are ready to engage in a dialogue. For our part, we have already initiated reforming of key administrative processes to simplify and expedite procurement procedures and have developed technical policies for each direction for future years. The main aspects of procurement procedures and requirements which our future contractors must satisfy have been shared at the event.
We thank all those present for their interest in our activities and have great expectations for future collaboration.
We are glad to bring to your attention the following presentations: