
Ukrgasvydobuvannya operates in over 300 local communities in 11 regions of Ukraine. Along with gas production, the Company is also concerned with the development of the regions of its footprint. In the field of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, it is important for a company to support communities and help them find ideas and resources for their sustainable development for future generations.

In 2021, the company financed 180 social and infrastructure regional projects for over UAH 34.13 million, including 50 projects in the framework of the educational grant competition "Energy of Development," launched by the Company.

A big contribution to community development is the Company's tax deductions. In 2022, Ukrgasvydobuvannya transferred almost UAH 2.2 billion to the budgets of territorial communities and regions. These community funds are a real, significant source for the development of settlements and an improvement of the quality of life of people. And the more gas a Company produces, the more resources communities will have.

Ukrgasvydobuvannya has been a member of the UN Global Compact Network since February 2020 and shares its principles. The Company has chosen the following priority Sustainable Development Goals in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility:

The company has a Corporate Social Responsibility Standard for cooperation with communities, charities, and public organisations. The Standard defines common principles and approaches of Ukrgasvydobuvannya in the implementation of CSR projects, and contributes to the streamlining and systematisation of these activities.

Corporate Social Responsibility Standart

The priority areas of the standard implementation in the field of corporate social responsibility of the Company are the support for educational initiatives and projects (introduction of STEM education, support for educational institutions, ensuring equal and decent educational conditions), healthcare (support for sports initiatives, provision of medical institutions with the necessary equipment and medicines), and development of communities in the territories where the Company carries out its production activities (support for infrastructure facilities, installation of video surveillance systems, recreations).

Preference is given to projects that not only meet the urgent needs of the residents but create additional value for communities and contribute to the sustainable development of the regions and Ukraine as a whole.

In 2020-2021, Ukrgasvydobuvannya allocated about UAH 700 million to help the country in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, 2 aircraft of masks, disinfectants, medical equipment, etc., were purchased, and the Company helped all graduates of the country to safely pass an external independent assessment by purchasing masks and disinfectants for all exam centres in Ukraine.

After the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, Ukrgasvydobuvannya directed all available resources to help defenders and victims of the war. The total cost of assistance reached over UAH 860 million: hundreds of equipment units, thousands of tons of fuel, and protective equipment for our soldiers, were transferred. From the first days of the war, all units of the Company provided all possible assistance in evacuating residents from dangerous regions, handed over the necessary materials, and participated in the construction of fortifications.

Learn more about implemented communities development projects