PoltavaGasVydobuvannya Gas Production Division (GDP) is one of the leading enterprises incorporated into JSC UkrGasVydobuvannya.
The production in 2020 is as follows: natural gas: 5,923 billion of cubic meters (commercial- 5,635 billion of cubic meters), liquid hydrocarbon: 316,3 thousand tons.
PoltavaGasVydobuvannya GPD is developing 43 hydrocarbon deposits in the eastern and central parts of Ukraine (Poltava, Kharkiv, Sumy and Dnipropetrovsk regions). The performance stock of the Division amounts to 789 wells. The Gas Production Division has 61 production facilities (preliminary gas treatment unit, oil and natural gas preliminary preparation unit, complex gas treatment unit, oil and natural gas complex preparation unit, oil complex preparation unit, cycling process unit, boosting compressor station, gas distribution station and stock of combustible and lubrication materials).
The total length of interfield pipelines and flowlines is 4 000 km.
For the entire period of its operation, the Division has produced:
- – 353,112 billion m3 of natural gas;
- – 25,937 million tons of gas condensate and oil.