PJSC UkrGasVydobuvannya is exploring labour market and considering CV for the following positions for the future
Wages are established according to qualification and proposed position at a rate recognized as a fair remuneration of a highly skilled specialist in the oil and gas industry based on the information obtained from the Internet resource hh (Head Hunter) for the CIS countries (market wage).
- Citizenship, comprehensive information on education and advanced training courses.
- A detailed description of work experience with a description of achieved successes or failures. Description of the wishes (in free format) for the current position and potential tasks/strategies that you would like to achieve in your position.
1. In electronic format to e-mail resume@ugv.com.ua
2. By registered mail or courier in the sealed envelope with mark ‘Candidate Questionnaire’ to the contact person (Kuzmin Serhii Oleksandrovych) at the address: 26/28 Kudriavska Street, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053 or scanned copy to e-mail: resume@ugv.com.ua.